Elīna Enz
2 min readFeb 26, 2021

How to Translate a Book into Foreign Language

We all know when a book sells in its native language and is considered a success, it should enter other markets as well and reach a wider audience. For that, a good translation is needed. But what are the tips for translating a book into a foreign language? Read further and find out more!

1. Finding the right market and audience

Do you know which markets will find your book interesting? Which audience of readers will be the most relevant? Have you considered the costs for entering a new market? Don’t rush this step and do proper market research. Find out your audience's habits, likes and dislikes, their cultural values, and anything else that can help you in this decision-making process.

2. Get a good translator

Usually, books are translated by freelance translators or translation agencies. So which one to choose? There are several pros and cons in both, but we suggest sending each translator a small sample of your book for a test translation. You should understand which one works better for you and really “feels the book”. It is also important that the target language in the translator’s native language, so that all the nuances are included. Also check if you will have a direct connection with a project manager of this translation if working with a translation agency, therefore you will be in touch if something changes or is not quite right.

3. Get your translator familiar with your book

There is nothing worse than a translator who is translating word-for-word without even reading the whole text. Before starting the translation, make sure your translator actually reads your book and if he has any questions, provide the answers. When this step is missed, usually the translation is not good.

4. Editing, editing, editing…

When the book has been translated, make sure it has been edited by professionals and has been read 3–4 times by different editors. This will help to find any hidden mistakes, so always have a second look! You should also give your final translation to a native target language speaker who is not a translator. This will help to understand if the book has any parts that are not clear or maybe needs to be reviewed again.

We hope that this article helped to gain some insight into the book translation process and good luck with your translation project!

Elīna Enz

Marketing and PR specialist with an interest in languages and content creation.